In The News

Storm Prevention Awareness Days - Monday, April 7 and Tuesday, April 8th

April showers bring May flowers, but they also bring more storm water runoff. It’s important to keep our drains clean—remember, only rain belongs in the drain! As you tidy up your yard this spring, be sure to dispose of leaves, yard waste, and debris properly, not in storm drains.
The City of Zachary encourages residents to participate in Storm Water Prevention Awareness Days on Monday, April 7th, and Tuesday, April 8th, during your regular Bulky Waste Pickup Day. Please pre-bag green waste like leaves, flowers, stalks, stems, and tree trimmings, then place them by the road for Waste Depot pickup.
Bulky Waste Collection runs from 6 AM to 8 PM. Not sure of your pickup day?
North of Main Street/Hwy. 64:1st & 3rd Mondays
South of Main Street/Hwy. 64:1st & 3rd Tuesdays
Remember, please avoid blowing or sweeping grass clippings into storm drains also. Let’s keep our drains clear and our city clean!