
After Hours Emergency Utility Service - (225) 654-0201
Planning & Zoning - (225) 654-1935
Animal Control Center (EBR) - (225) 774-7700
Prison – Parish - (225) 390-3311
Assessor’s Office - Main - (225) 389-3920
Public Works - (225) 654-1902
Assessor’s Office - Central - (225) 389-3922
Registrar of Voters - (225) 389-3940
Assessor's Office - Coursey - (225) 389-3901
Sheriff Department - Zachary - (225) 389-5037
Better Business Bureau - (225) 346-5222
Utility Billing - Zachary - (225) 654-1903
Council on Aging (Lotus Center) - (225) 306-4102
Utility Maintenance - Zachary - (225) 654-0201
DEMCO - (225) 261-1596
Zachary Chamber of Commerce - (225) 654-6777
Entergy - (800) 368-3749
Zachary Clerk of Court - (225) 654-0044
Garbage, Recycling, Bulk Waste Pickup - Zachary - (225) 654-1902
Zachary Community School Board - (225) 658-4969
Inspections, Permits - Zachary - (225) 654-6873
Zachary Fire (non-emergency) - (225) 654-0685
Mayor’s Office, David McDavid - (225) 654-0287
Zachary Food Pantry - (225) 654-0685
Mosquito & Rodent Control EBR - (225) 356-3297
Zachary Library - (225) 658-1840
Occupational License - Zachary - (225) 654-1935
Zachary Police (non-emergency) - (225) 654-9393
One Call Before You DIG - Dial 811
Zachary Youth Ball Park - (225) 654-6529
Contact Us
4700 Main Street
Zachary, LA 70791