
Scott Masterson

Building Official
Scott Masterson serves as the City of Zachary Building Official. He has been with the City of Zachary since 2003, having served as Building Official since 2007. In 2021, he was appointed to the Louisiana Construction Code Council. The Louisiana State Uniform Construction Code Council consists of nineteen members appointed by the Governor. In 2016, Scott was appointed by the Louisiana State Construction Code Council to serve on the International Residential Review Sub-Committee. He was also the Past President of the Building Officials Association of Louisiana (BOAL), which is dedicated to the building code enforcement profession, fostering communication and education among building officials, plans examiners, inspectors, and associate (industry) members throughout Louisiana. In 2023, he was the recipient of the Curtis Mann Award by (BOAL). The award, named in honor of long-time New Orleans Building Official Curtis Mann, is considered the highest honor for a building official in the State of Louisiana. Masterson was recognized for exemplifying the highest standards of integrity and professionalism and for his accomplishments and achievements in the code enforcement profession.