Farmer's Market

The Zachary Community Farmer’s Market is an open-air market, comprised of a group of area farmers selling fresh produce each Saturday in Downtown Zachary from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Over 60 local vendors including craftspeople make a visit to the market on Saturdays to sell handmade crafts, showcasing local artists and craftsmanship. On the second Saturday of each month, the Zachary Cars and Coffee Club offer an open car show displaying vintage cars, trucks, and motorcycles. If you are interested in showing your classic car, this group encourages you to come out and showcase.
The Zachary Farmer’s Market is located behind Zachary City Hall at the HugYourPeople Park at Lee Street @ Virginia in Downtown Zachary. Cash, debit or Venmo are all acceptable methods of pay at the market.
The Zachary Farmer’s Market is a non-profit organization operated by Nita Edwards, Market Coordinator. Potential vendors can email to rent a space. Your application and permit fee/when requested (prorated) may be mailed to: Zachary Farmers Market, P.O. Box 1553, Zachary, LA 70791. It may also be brought to the Information Booth at the market on a Saturday Morning. Click here for the Vendor Application.
Permits are valid for 6 months and the fee is $60.00: January – June and July – December. Checks are to be made payable to Zachary Farmer’s Market.
For weekly updated information on The Zachary Community Farmer’s Market, visit their Facebook Page at Zachary Farmers Market.
Zachary Farmer’s Market Goals:
● To provide high quality, fresh local produce on a weekly basis and to provide a direct-sales venue for area farmers, growers, and producers of local value-added products as well as sell handmade crafts.
● To create a safe gathering place in downtown Zachary in service of the community and local businesses.
● To educate the community on the benefits of eating fresh, local produce and supporting regional agriculture and talent.
Rules and Regulations:
Eligibility Requirements:
All persons who produce food, handcrafted and agriculture products within the State of Louisiana are eligible to sell at the Zachary Farmer’s Market. Each vendor must make, create, build, grow, or bake their products.
Items purchased for resale are not allowed. Booth space will be 10’ x 10’. Vendor must furnish their own tent/canopy, tables, and chairs. No alcoholic items will be allowed. Any questions about eligibility should be directed to the Zachary Farmer’s Market Coordinator at
Market Time: The market will be held each Saturday, 8 a.m. – noon, in summer months and 9 am – 1pm in winter months. Setup for market will begin at 7 a.m., it should be completed by 8:45 a.m. No electricity is available.
Cleanup: Vendors must have premises cleaned and vacated 30 minutes after market close, no later than 1:30 p.m. City of Zachary will provide trash barrels and an on-site dumpster.
Tax and Licensing: There are no specific licensing requirements for vendors selling products grown by themselves and selling directly to the consumer. Jellies, preserves, jams, honey, honeycomb products, cakes and cookies produced by the vendors themselves from their own produce and sold directly to the consumer are not taxed. Value-added products may need to be produced in a State of Louisiana approved and licensed kitchen/facility pursuant to Louisiana Law. All applicable taxes are vendor responsibility.
Hold harmless, clause and insurance: Each vendor is responsible for carrying his/her own product liability insurance if desired. All vendors agree to hold harmless the Zachary Farmer’s Market for any loss, cost of damages or other expenses incurred.