Emergency Information

Helpful Phone Numbers
Emergency calls should be made first to # 911
American Red Cross (866) 438-4636
Animal Control (225) 774-7700
Baton Rouge Police (225) 389-3831
Baton Rouge Fire (225) 354-1400
Baton Rouge Shelters (866) 438-4636
City of Baker (225) 778-0300
City of Central (225) 262-5000
City of Zachary Fire Department (225) 654-0026
City of Zachary Police Department (225) 654-9393
City of Zachary Building Inspection (225) 654-6873
City of Zachary Public Works (225) 654-1902, 24 Hr. No. (225) 654-0201
City of Zachary Utility Billing (225) 654-6871
City of Zachary Utilities Maintenance, Water, Gas, Sewer, Garbage (225) 654-0201
City of Zachary Community School Board - (225) 658-4969
DEMCO (225) 261-1160
Dept of Public Works (225) 389-3158
EBR Sheriff's Office (225) 389-5000
EMS (225) 389-3300
Entergy (800) 968-8243
FEMA Helpline - 1-800-621-FEMA - Website www.fema.gov - or www.disasterassistance.gov
Gouging Complaints (800) 488-2770
Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (225) 925-7500
LA State Police (Road Closures) (800) 469-4828
LA State Police (Troop A) (225) 754-8500
Mayor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness (225) 389-2100
Special Needs Shelter (800) 349-1372
U.S. Geological Survey (225) 389-0281
24 Hour Flight Information:
American Airlines (800) 223-5436
Delta Airlines (800) 325-1999
United Airlines (800) 864-8331