Floodplain Management
The City of Zachary is dedicated to minimizing the loss of life and property that is associated with flooding and storm events. Education and prevention are valuable and proven tools to help communities become resistant to these natural disasters. The City of Zachary recognizes that its entire community is susceptible to flooding, not just those structures located in a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA). Recent major floods have occurred in 1977, 1983, 1993, 1994, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2012 and 2016. Flood Insurance is available to the residents of Zachary because of our continued participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and Community Rating System (CRS).
The City of Zachary’s Planning and Zoning Department handles Floodplain Management such as Flood Zone Determinations, provide information about flood risks, basic information about flood insurance requirements, consult with citizens on flood proofing techniques to reduce flood risk, and emergency preparedness information. To speak to the Certified Floodplain Manager, please feel free to call 225-654-1935 Monday-Thursday from 7:00am – 5:30pm.
The following are helpful links providing flood plain management information:
National Flood Insurance Program
National Weather Service Real-time River Gage Information
Louisiana Emergency Preparedness Guide
Louisiana Homeowners Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards
Community Rating System (CRS)
The City of Zachary joined the Capital Region Area Floodplain Task-Force (CRAFT), a multi-jurisdictional program for Public Information in an effort to lower our Class Rating.
The National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive program that recognizes and encourages community floodplain management activities that exceed the minimum NFIP requirements. Currently, the City of Zachary has a rating of 7 and receives a 15% discount on flood insurance premium rates. A Class 7 rating means that over 500 policyholders in the City of Zachary benefit from a reduction in annual flood insurance premiums.
Under the CRS, there is an incentive for communities to do more than just regulate the construction of new buildings to national minimum standards. Communities earn credit by engaging in 19 activities organized under four categories: Public Information, Mapping and Regulations, Flood Damage Reduction, and Flood Preparedness. CRS class designation is determined by how many credits a community earns through these activities.
Flood insurance premiums are adjusted to reflect community activities that reduce flood damage to existing buildings, manage development in areas not mapped by the NFIP, protect new buildings beyond the minimum NFIP protection level, help insurance agents obtain flood data, and help people get flood insurance.
For CRS participating communities, flood insurance premium rates are discounted in increments of 5%; i.e., a Class 1 community would receive a 45% premium discount while a Class 9 community would receive a 5%.
Nationwide there are 1296 communities receiving flood insurance premium discounts based on their implementation of local mitigation, outreach, and educational activities that go well beyond minimum NFIP requirements. While premium discounts are one of the benefits of participation in CRS, it is more important that these communities are carrying out activities that save lives and reduce property damage. These 1296 communities represent a significant portion of the Nation's flood risk as evidenced by the fact that over 66% of the NFIP's policy base is located in these communities.
Flood Awareness Facts are mailed out annually to citizens living within the City of Zachary to lower costs associated with flood insurance rates, as well as inform property owners of potential flood hazards in our area. The mailing includes flood safety awareness, flood insurance requirement information, property protection measures and other useful information.
Should I get a flood insurance policy if I rent?
A contents-only flood insurance policy from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), sometimes referred to as a renter’s flood insurance policy, can insure personal items in your rental unit damaged by a flood. This separate insurance policy can cover thousands of dollars of potential personal property damage. Without it, you’d have to replace any flood damaged clothes, furniture, electronics, and other possessions out-of-pocket. While your landlord may have flood insurance to cover the building you live in, their insurance will not cover your personal belongings. If you experience a flood, you can seek federal disaster assistance, but it may not be enough to make a full recovery. Disaster assistance is only available after a presidential disaster declaration, and typically comes in the form of a loan that must be repaid with interest. If you don’t have an insurance company or if your insurance agent does not sell flood insurance, go online at FloodSmart.gov/flood-insurance/providers or call (877) 336-2627.
Contact Us
4700 Main Street
Zachary, LA 70791