Quick Facts and Demographics

- Zachary is located 10 miles N of Baton Rouge and 70 miles NW of New Orleans.
- The City of Zachary is in East Baton Rouge Parish and is part of the Baton Rouge metro area.
- Zachary was incorporated as a city in 1889.
- 2022 Population Estimate for the City of Zachary (City Limits) is 19,316. according to the 2020 Federal Census Count.
- The City of Zachary has a total area of 27.04 square miles in its city limits.
- The Zachary Fire Department has a Class 1 rating from the Property Insurance Association of Louisiana
- Zachary's School System has maintained a top performing school system in the State of Louisiana since 2005. Zachary's School System consists of eight schools.
- Zachary’s city water system is scored perfectly by the Louisiana Department of Health.
- The average household income in Zachary is $75,533 and is the highest in the capital region.
- Zachary was the first city in Louisiana to elect a Republican as Mayor in 20th-century Louisiana.
- 2018 Richest Town in Louisiana by USA TODAY
- Top 10 Best Towns for Families in America by Family Circle Magazine in 2012.
The City of Zachary has a population of 19,316 according to the 2020 Federal Census Count.
The new population and demographic data gathered once every 10 years is used to apportion congressional seats and local government district boundaries.

To visit the United States Census Bureau website, click here.
Contact Us
4700 Main Street
Zachary, LA 70791