How can I find out where a piece of property is zoned within the City of Zachary?
Contact the City Code Compliance Officer, Planning and Zoning Division at 654-1935 or stop by the City Hall Annex, 4650 Main Street.
How can I find out the dimensions of a piece of property located in Zachary?
Contact the Code Compliance Officer, Planning and Zoning Division at 654-1935 or stop by the City Hall Annex, 4650 Main Street.
How can I apply to rezone or re-subdivide property located within the City of Zachary?
You can download a Statement of Ownership and fill out the notarized application. Upon completion of the application, you may bring it to the City Hall Annex, 4650 Main Street. A fee of $150, check or cash, is required and (10) copies of the plat, no larger than 11' x 17.' It is normally a 2-month process. Deadline for application is the first Monday of the month. A Public Hearing will be held at the Planning and Zoning Meeting that will be held on the first Monday of the following month. Once approved or rejected, the item will then be placed on the City of Zachary Council for the meeting on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The final decision will be made at this time.
I am a Businessperson/Developer, and I am interested in building a commercial building within the city. What is the process?
The site plan review process requires three levels of approval. The first two are recommendations to the Council, Administrative Approval, Planning and Zoning Approval and then City Council Approval. The items you will need for the site plan review process are elevations, drainage study, traffic study, a landscape plan, the application, and $150 fee. Upon completion of the application, you may bring it to the City Hall Annex, 4650 Main Street. Deadline for application is the second Monday of the month. The Site Plan Review Meeting is held on the third Monday of each month. A Public Hearing will be held at the Planning and Zoning meeting on the first Monday of the following month. The item will be placed on the City of Zachary Council for approval on the fourth Tuesday of the month for the final decision. Click here for a helpful link Codes & Ordinances.
Where can I get information on a water or gas line?
Contact the Code Compliance Officer at 225 654-1935.
I live within the City of Zachary, and I am not sure where the servitude is located on my property, who can I call?
Contact the Code Compliance Officer at 226 654-1935.
How can I get my property annexed into the City of Zachary?
You can download a Petition for Annexation and answer all questions in the application. Pay Applicable Annexation Fee of $500.00 and follow the Annexation Process procedures.
Contact Us
4700 Main Street
Zachary, LA 70791